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The Benefits of Manuka Honey

2 min read

Most people are aware that honey has medicinal properties. But not everyone realizes that not all honeys are created equal. In fact, recent research has revealed that around 75% of the honey sold by major grocery stores is not real honey. These honeys are ultra-filtered and contain no pollen whatsoever, and therefore have none of the benefits usually associated with honey. There are still many questions about where this fake honey is coming from, but there is evidence that much of it is imported from China, sometimes illegally. Such acts are detrimental to an already struggling US honey market.

Fortunately, most of the honeys found in natural foods co-ops and herb stores are legitimate. They are usually grown locally and still retain their medicinal properties. So as long as you avoid the fake honey from the bigger stores, you can rest assured that you’re getting the real thing.

Now that we have that cleared up we can discuss what to look for when comparing different types of real honey. Manuka honey has been making headlines over the last few years, but many are still confused as to how it differs from regular honey. While both of them contain antibacterial properties, the way each of them works is completely different.

Regular honey contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide, which is what gives it its antibacterial properties. This enzyme is very unstable, and if the honey isn’t processed just right, it becomes inactive. It also needs an oxygen-rich environment, so it is more difficult to obtain benefits from regular honey when using it topically.

While Manuka honey contains these same enzymes, it also contains active ingredients that are referred to as non-peroxide, antibacterial components. Also known as unique manuka factors (UMF), these substances are superior to the compunds found in regular honey in many different ways. They are more stable in all cases, which means they are not as easily damaged by processing methods. And the antibacterial effects seem to be much stronger. When shopping for Manuka, look for a UMF rating of at least 10, but over 15 would be the strongest.

Manuka honey is used for everything from minor cuts and scrapes, skin issues and fungal infections to digestive ailments and gastrointestinal infections. It is definitely a product worth checking out, even if you’re just using it to replace your regular honey. With all of its benefits it also happens to be delicious!