Reverse the Aging Process With Magnesium Potassium Aspartate
As most people age, they need less and less of the precious vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants that plants produce. This process is called the “biological age.”
When you reach this point in your life, it’s important to start supplementing with natural foods containing these nutrients so your body can continue to access what it needs for optimal bodily function. Potassium magnesium aspartate (or just KMA) is one such supplement that promises superior benefits by repairing metabolic pathways for which the body starts losing interest as you age.
Potassium magnesium aspartate is a salt of two minerals, potassium, and magnesium. It’s used to prevent cramps that are caused by low potassium levels in the body. You can also use it as an electrolyte replacement for water losses and correct low magnesium levels, as well.
Potassium magnesium aspartate is often sold as a supplement in drugstore products like chewable tablets or powder packets. It’s often taken before exercise for better performance and muscle fatigue relief.
The Benefits Of Using Potassium Magnesium Aspartates For Better Performance And Muscle Fatigue Relief
If you’re looking for ways to improve athletic performance, you should consider using potassium magnesium aspartate supplements. They help increase energy levels during workouts, reduce muscle soreness after intense physical activity, and even boost endurance with other sports nutrition products.
You may be wondering why potassium magnesium aspartate is considered beneficial for athletes. Well, there are several reasons:
Preventing Cramping During Exercise
One reason why potassium magnesium aspartates work so well at preventing cramping is that they replace lost fluids from sweating. When you sweat, you lose sodium chloride along with some fluid.
Sodium chloride helps maintain proper blood pressure, but if you don’t replenish those salts through food sources, you’ll end up dehydrated. That means you won’t feel very good while exercising, and you could experience cramping.
Replacing Electrolytes Lost Through Sweating
Another benefit of taking potassium magnesium aspartates is their ability to keep your muscles hydrated. If you drink enough water throughout the day, you will naturally get rid of excess sodium chloride via urination. However, sometimes we forget about drinking enough water, especially when working out.
That’s where potassium magnesium aspartates come into play. These magnesium supplements provide extra sodium chloride to replace the loss that occurs when we sweat. If your body loses more sodium chloride through sweat than you drink, it will be necessary to take potassium magnesium aspartate to prevent dehydration and cramping.
Potassium Magnesium Aspartate Helps Prevent Dehydration
When you work out for an extended period of time, your muscles begin losing a lot of water. You will also likely lose sodium chloride with this dehydration because it’s absorbed through the skin, like other electrolytes.
When you don’t replace this faster than you lose it, your cells can become dehydrated and start suffering from cramps. This is one of the main benefits of potassium magnesium aspartate supplementation. By replacing these electrolytes, you can avoid getting too dehydrated and experiencing muscle pain.
Correct Low Levels Of Magnesium In The Body
Low magnesium levels have been linked to many health problems, including diabetes, heart attacks, and leg cramps. As a result, doctors recommend nutritional supplements for people with low levels of magnesium.
How To Prevent Muscle Cramps
If you have been experiencing muscle spasms or getting cramped up while exercising or during long periods of inactivity, then potassium magnesium aspartate is the solution you are looking for. It reduces cramping by restoring both potassium and magnesium to the proper levels in your body.
The dietary supplement can be taken through introduction into the water supply by using electrolyte replacement drinks or taken orally as a pill or tablet form. Water balance is essential for maintaining healthy kidneys and urinary tract function.
Muscle weakness due to lack of adequate intake of potassium may lead to kidney damage. Kidneys need a sufficient amount of potassium to remove waste materials from the bloodstream. A deficiency of potassium causes retention of toxic substances such as urea which leads to swelling of tissues and organs.
Normal muscle cell contraction requires a normal concentration of potassium ions within them. When there are insufficient K+ available inside the muscle cell, they cannot contract normally. This results in muscle stiffness and cramp-like symptoms.
Magnesium plays an important role in nerve conduction and muscular activity. Magnesium helps maintain the fluidity of membranes and stabilizes calcium channels. It has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a cofactor for enzymes involved in energy production.
Supplementing a Diet for Amino Acids Imbalance
Aspartic acid is an amino acid of which the only source in animals is from dietary proteins. Aspartic acid and glutamic acids are the two most abundant amino acids in the body. As a result, they serve as most of its excitatory neurotransmitter precursors that can cross the blood-brain barrier and be converted into other neurotransmitters such as glutamate or GABA.
Immunoglobulin ribonucleic acid is another type of protein found in saliva. IgA antibodies help fight against bacteria and viruses. They are produced when B lymphocytes produce immunoglobin molecules called secretory IgA. Secretory IgA binds to antigens on surfaces of pathogens and prevents their attachment to host tissue.
L-amino acids are organic compounds containing nitrogen atoms joined together via covalent bonds to make peptides and polypeptide chains. L-glutamine is one of the nine types of naturally occurring amino acids. Glutamine is present in all cells of the human body except red blood cells. It serves as fuel for muscles and immune system cells.
The L-aspartic acid compound known as NAC is a derivative of cysteine with antioxidant properties. Cystine occurs naturally in foods but must first undergo hydrolysis to become bioavailable. Hydrolyzed forms include NAC, L-cysteine, and D-penicillamine.
Acid salts of lysine have been shown to increase growth hormone secretion in humans. Lysine is a nonessential amino acid that is not synthesized de novo in mammals; however, it is obtained from food sources. The major dietary sources of lysine are meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, soybeans, legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, and yeast extracts.
Magnesium Potassium Aspartate: Mechanism of Action on Blood Pressure
Several mechanisms regulate blood pressure. One mechanism involves the sympathetic nervous system, and another involves parasympathetic nerves. Both systems regulate blood flow throughout our bodies.
In addition to regulating blood pressure, the SNS regulates cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Sympathoexcitatory neurons stimulate vasoconstriction and increase myocardial oxygen demand. Parasympathetically mediated inhibition decreases systemic arteriolar tone and increases venous capacitance.
Ways to Fast Track Your Breakthrough Sleeping Success with Magnesium Aspartate
If you want to fast-track your breakthrough sleeping success with magnesium aspartate, here’s what you should do…
1) Drink at least 2 liters of pure filtered water per day.
2) Avoid caffeine after 12 p.m. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and keeps us awake.
3) Get plenty of sleep every night. Sleep deprivation makes us more tired during the day.
4) Eat foods rich in magnesium.
Is Magnesium Aspartate Good for Sleep: Amazing Benefits of Magnesium Aspartate for Sleep
Sleep is important for our health and well-being, especially when we enter years of maturity when almost everyone in the developed world suffers from sleep deficiencies.
A magnesium deficiency is a primary reason why many people experience insomnia. The great majority of people will suffer from symptoms of a magnesium deficiency in their lives at some point.
A magnesium deficiency is often mistaken for depression or mental fatigue, as it is associated with weak energy levels throughout the entire body.
Adenosine, a chemical in the body, can cause drowsiness, which is related to insomnia in some cases. Adenosine is a real culprit in cases of insomnia, and magnesium aspartate will help with that problem.
Magnesium aspartate has exactly the amount of calcium required for proper bone health growth and development, making magnesium aspartate an excellent choice for those who want to maintain their bone density and look younger than they are.
In conclusion, if you have been suffering from sleeplessness due to a magnesium deficiency, then try taking magnesium aspartate supplements today!
Magnesium aspartate is an amino acid compound that is good for sleep disturbances. It helps with drowsiness, and it works with adenosine, a chemical in the body. Magnesium aspartate is helpful for those who have insomnia or have a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium aspartate also has benefits like helping maintain bone density and aging more slowly than you are.
Supplement your diet with Potassium Magnesium Aspartate today with Peach Vitamins.
FAQs for Potassium Magnesium Aspartate
Does Magnesium Aspartate Have Side Effects?
There are no known adverse effects associated with taking potassium magnesium aspartate. However, if you’re pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner first. If you take any medications, check with your doctor or pharmacist first.
Should I Use The Same Amount Of Magnesium Aspartate That I Take Of Magnesium?
Not necessarily. The amounts of sodium, potassium, and calcium also affect your body’s intake of magnesium. If you don’t know your daily sodium, potassium, calcium intake, and the amount you need of each mineral, follow guidelines that have been developed by the National Academy of Sciences entitled “Dietary Reference Intakes.” These guidelines will help you only if you take a balanced diet with enough protein and other nutrients not included in the RDI recommendations.
Is Magnesium Aspartate Safe to Take?
You can safely take it as directed in a reputable, quality supplement. The magnesium in Magnesium Aspartate is derived from the salt of two minerals: potassium and magnesium.
For healthy adults and children over twelve years old with no kidney problems and who aren’t on a low-magnesium diet, there are no risks or side effects associated with taking Magnesium Aspartate.
What’s the Difference Between Regular Salt and Magnesium Aspartates?
People often use regular salt when cooking food to add flavor to taste buds – but they don’t do that with Magnesium Aspartate because it is tasteless. Another difference is that Magnesium Aspartate doesn’t have any harmful side effects – and taking it regularly will improve your health without requiring a prescription from a healthcare professional.
Is magnesium good for my blood sugar levels if I have diabetes?
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