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6 Best Natural Supplements for Mental Health

3 min read

May is Mental Health Month, so for a couple posts we are focusing on our minds, feelings, and spirits. Today we will share some our favorite supplements for mental health.

6 Best Natural Remedies for Mental Health:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, flax seed, chia seed, walnuts, and in smaller amounts in other foods, are essential for optimal mental health. DHA, one of the more complex omega-3 fatty acids, makes up 9-12% of our brains’ total weight, and low levels have been linked to many neurological disorders. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be effective treatments or prevention for depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and psychosis. Since omega-3s may also help slow cognitive decline associated with aging, omega-3 fats are one of the absolute best brain foods.


Kava, or Piper methysticum, comes from the South Pacific, where it is commonly consumed as a beverage, especially at ceremonial events. It can quickly relieve anxiety, but does not impair mental function. It is mainly used as an herb for anxiety and stress, although it shows many other promising benefits too. Dosage has a wide range, from approximately 70-200 mg per day. As with any herb, it is best to start on the low end of the dosage range and see how you tolerate an herb, only increasing dosage if it is needed to see the desired effects. Questions have raised about the safety of kava, but most herbalists recommend kava as a safe and effective remedy. However, since kava is processed through the liver, as are many other substances, it could potentially be risky to consume kava at the same time as prescription medications, alcoholic beverages, or other drug-like substances that are processed through the liver. Donnie Yance also notes that one should pay attention to the quality of their kava. Negative reports may have stemmed from kava that was too young, produced using pesticides and other chemicals, or prepared improperly.

Passion Flower

Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) is a soothing, sedative herb that is great for anxiety and insomnia. If you have a tendency to feel overly wakeful and stressed at night, try drinking a cup of passion flower tea each night. It is a nerve tonic that will gradually restore your sleep, and good sleep is an important foundation of good mental health.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) became famous as an herbal depression remedy for good reason. Some of this herb’s many amazing actions are reducing anxiety and depression. It can stimulate good mood, and it actually helps to repair damaged nerves (both internally and externally), which can be great for helping to recover from mental illness that results in fried nerves.


Rose is an uplifting herbal medicine for a broken heart or spirit. It’s wonderful scent immediately conveys love and hints at its ability to heal emotionally. If you’re feeling depressed, angry, apathetic, resentful, or frazzled, try spritzing yourself with rose water, using a bit of rose essential oil, or preparing rose petals and buds in a tea. It combines nicely with many other herbs, so have fun playing with your own tea blends to help soothe any emotional issue.


As suggested by its common name, motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is a motherly herb that can help ease anxiety. It is a nerve tonic, which means it restores nerves over time. Nervous conditions, especially marked by heart palpitations or associated with PMS, often respond well to a daily dose of motherwort.


Herbs and natural supplements can be great mental health remedies, but don’t forget to take care of yourself in all areas of your life! See our other mental health month blog post for more tips.