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May is here- National “Meditation” Month!!

3 min read

Meditation is often scary for some folks as they often say ” I can’t meditate , my mind is too racy and I can’t stop thinking”. Is this true for you? Yes, ofcourse it happens to everyone.If you were to take up running would you expect to run a marathon the first time out? It takes practice yet it’s as natural as sleeping. Just as you close your eyes to sleep every night one can meditate naturally if it is not forced.The mind is like a monkey, thinking, thinking and thinking always moving from here to there. Yet when you practice meditation regularly, which is the key, you begin to reach a place that is beyond the thoughts ;where there’s deep relaxation and peace. It’s almost as if you are swimming in a deep blue ocean and you can see your thoughts floating by.The state of meditation is beyond sleep therefore it has profound benefits on the organs, mind and immune function. It is also a great anti-aging remedy as when you go into those states of the brain waves you are slowing the aging process.
As you sit for meditation it is best to begin with just a few minutes to start. Find a quiet place in your home and make it sacred to you with a candle , cushion or chair and add any sacred objects that are personal to you if you wish. Sitting in the same place each day builds up the energy of this space and will make it more conducive to go within.Allow your spine to be erect but not rigid and sit fully on your sitting bones; allow your thumb and fourfinger to touch or gently place your palms on your lap cupped together. I enjoy using essential oils when I meditate such as frankincense or sandalwood or any scent that pleases you as well as burning incense.Certain smells have an amazing ability to take you inside to a deep restful place. I often practice chanting or repeating a mantra before I meditate as this helps to calm the mind.Hatha Yoga is meant to prepare the body for meditation. You may wish to do a few postures beforehand if you have time.
You may follow the inbreath and the outbreath by feeling the sensations in your nose or just simply watching the breath coming in and out. Or you may gently place your attention in the heart region.As thoughts begin to enter your mind “gently” bring your attention back to the breath or heart.You can increase your practice by one minute a day. Fifteen to thirty minutes two times daily is ideal.There comes a time when you will lose track of time after practicing for awhile. It is so refreshing. It is better than sleep. It is also a great way to develop your intuition and get in touch with your inner thoughts and feelings. The key is to “just do it” without judgement. Even when I have a great meditation the next time may not be the same and that’s ok. With this practice one learns more acceptance, gentleness, patience and compassion.
Life often brings unexpected challenges and the true test of our character is how we meet those challenges. For me, I don’t know what I would have done without this practice during the loss of my parents, brother and other events of my life that happened. With meditation I was able to perceive things from a more grounded and compassionate place for both myself and others. All the practice I had done up until then accumulated in a way that allowed me to stay more calm, centered and connected even though there was great sadness. Through the practice of meditation I also found my creativity. Previously I had never painted. If you would have told me I would be painting I would hardly believe you. The gifts are enormous the benefits tremendous.I highly recommend it to everyone. If you want to improve your health, MEDITATE; if you want to improve your relationships, MEDITATE; if you want to see the gifts in your life; MEDITATE; if you want to appreciate your life, MEDITATE; if you want to open up to your creativity, MEDIATE.
There are many paths of meditation. I practice Siddha Yoga Meditation for the last 23 years and find it natural and full of grace. Deepak Chopra , endocronologist and spiritual teacher teaches transcendental

May is national meditation month. I encourage you to give it a try or if you are already practicing add a minute each day. All the knowledge you need lies within. Like a buried treasure go and find it, when you do it’s truly your best gem!!

Gedaliah Genin PHD. in Natural Health