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It’s Never Too Early To Start Thinking About Allergies in Atlanta

< 1 min read

Yes it’s still quite hot but the mornings and evenings are starting to cool off which means Fall is on the way and in Atlanta that means allergies. However, don’t despair. There are natural remedies that can help to modulate the immune system’s inflammatory response. Stinging nettle has a long history of use and has been shown in vitro to inhibit the synthesis of arachidonic acid and leukotrienes, two key inflammatory markers. A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research in 2009 demonstrated in the laboratory that the nettle leaf also blocks histamine receptors. The unique bioflavonoid quercetin has also been shown to effect histamine. In human cell culture studies, quercetin has been shown to actually inhibit histamine release.

Here at Willner Chemist we have several products that contain one or both of these amazing natural compounds. Come by today and let our knowledgeable staff help you decide which one of our allergy products is right for you.