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Is ‘total dissolved solids’ really a marker of water purity?

< 1 min read

There is a water filter that claims to filter “total dissolved solids” (TDS)  from your water.  They say ‘dissolved solids’ can be either organic or inorganic, plant or mineral.  Dissolved solids can be harmful (like asbestos, aluminum, cadmium) but they can also be good (like potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and salt–sodium chloride).  This company even gives you a link to another company that sells a meter to test the TDS of your water.  They say the closer to zero the solids, the more pure the water.  This is only part of the story….

Having a low TDS does NOT mean your water is pure!!

Purity is not limited to dissolved solids.  Bacteria, viruses, chemicals and pharmaceuticals are NOT dissolved solids, and yet are dangerous to your health.  So your water could “test” with these TDS meters as having low or ‘safe’ levels, but still contain carcinogens, toxic bacteria, and volatile organic compounds!!

So be careful of water filters that focus on removing dissolved solids ALONE.  There are actually four important areas of purity to consider with your water: Dissolved solids, chemical, aesthetic (taste and odor), and microbiological. You need a water filter that can handle contaminants in all these areas—because, frankly, our water is full of it!

Look closely at their claims…they may not hold their salt :}