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How To Control Anxiety With Theanine – The Secrets Of Overcoming Anxiety in 2022

4 min read


How To Control Anxiety With Theanine

How To Control Anxiety: You know, we cannot control what’s on the outside, but we can definitely control. What was on the inside, this is the same John Wayne Dyer. This is Cosmic Mike.  We get a lot of questions or most everyone has gone through this anxiety. What is anxiety and how can I control my anxiety? Those are very common questions we get asked. And I just want to talk about a certain supplementary ingredient that’s found in nature and which I have known we have recommended in the last 20 years or so, 18 years or so, which has worked really well.


So just give us some insight on anxiety as such. We all have gone through this in our lives or go through it pretty randomly. I think it’s a it’s a very common or a very natural emotion to go through. We shouldn’t get too much of it or we should know how to control it and get out of it as soon as possible. I think the balancing act that we should be doing in the elevator realm, it’s definitely too much where it consists of air and space.

How To Control Anxiety & Stress


So there’s too much stress, too much movement. And this is where the emotions take over and you’re not able to control it, which can cause fear and which causes other issues as it gets increased. So a lot of balancing diet characteristics, a lot, of course, light, cool, dry. Doing the opposite would help. But today I wanted to talk about how to control anxiety with L-Theanine. L-Theanine is an amino acid that’s found with the green team was found in Japan in the nineteen forties.


So you just imagine nature has everything in perfect. The green tea plan gives you caffeine, but it also gives you this particular amino acid which improves your GABA, which improves your serotonin and dopamine where you can balance that excitement or that caffeine effect. So nature just has everything in the right proportion at the right place at the right time where it’s giving you energy with caffeine. But it also is calming you back down so it doesn’t get too much.


So lightning is an amino acid that’s derived from green tea or black in general. And you’ll see that in a lot of supplements out there. And it looks just a little teeny Nouriel, or the tanning is really the same thing. And that’s a lot of questions out there. Whether there’s any difference. It’s really not some people, you know, companies prefer just seeing the tanning and some prefer L-Theanine. So it improves your GABA serotonin, dopamine, where it gives you a high increase of alpha waves, where those are increased while meditating, meaning you are not in a sedative mode or you’re not just ready to go to sleep.


It’s more when you’re meditating, it’s when you’re relaxed. When you’re daydreaming, you alpha waves kind of increase and that’s what LTT does. It increases those without the sedative effect or the symptom. So you can take this in the day. You can take this during your work time or in the morning, but definitely to help you sleep. So lightning is used a lot for sleep disorders at night. You can definitely take it on because you want to increase your serotonin and you dopamine’s at night to feel good in the day if you’re going through a lot or if you had a presentation or if you have a test.


I mean, I have used it with my kids. I’ve used it with myself, with my wife. Just, you know, we all get go through this with the anxiety that happens if you’re coming across a big project, just taking that and it doesn’t really get you down where you can perform and get you more focused because it’s improving those alpha waves where you’re clear and more focused and in a sense and but it’s not the same effect as a caffeine, whether it’s raising your blood pressure or raising your heartbeat.


So Beltone agreed. I want to put some links out there, which are some of the blogs that have done great supplements. Look for you to reach out to us at, of course, and you can reach out to me personally on my blog or in my store here. It’s all the links right there. If you had any information on questions regarding guilt or anxiety in general, because I like to include supplements, but I definitely like to include diet changes and activity changes and lifestyle changes, which can help and balance as you move forward in your life.


So I hope that was helpful. This is Cosmic Mike, please, like, subscribe or give us a comment and we’ll see you again on Mindful Friday. I hope you have a great week and are safe. We thank you.

Anxiety Attack: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment – Verywell Health (


  • a panic attack is not a diagnosable condition on its own but is a central symptom in panic disorder, as well as other anxiety disorders.
  • Someone having a mild anxiety attack might experience an acute episode of generalized anxiety disorder symptoms.
  • 7 Therefore unpredictable, shocking situations might trigger anxiety attacks for some people.
  • Not only can ongoing anxiety attacks lead to avoidance of previously enjoyed activities or situations, but research also indicates that anxiety attacks lead to an increased risk of a suicide attempt.
  • Exposure therapy may also be effective at treating anxiety attacks, especially those related to specific phobias.

How to Combat Panic & Anxiety Attacks – Royal Oak, MI Patch – (


  • How to Combat Panic & Anxiety Attacks
  • Grounding is a really powerful tool to stop anxiety and panic from hijacking your mind.
  • Do you need more help with anxiety management?

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