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Top 7 Signs of Heart Attack

2 min read

February is American Heart Month, so we are taking this as a chance to remind everyone of the top signs of a heart attack. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for about 610,000 deaths annually. Every year, even more Americans have a heart attack— about 735,000 people. While this number is scary, it’s also a good reminder that knowing the symptoms of heart attack is a good way to ensure you or your loved one gets treatment as soon as possible if they experience a heart attack, especially since most heart attacks start slowly.

1. Chest Discomfort

Typically, the chest pain from a heart attack feels like pressure, squeezing, fullness, or just discomfort, and will occur in the center of the chest. The discomfort can last for more than a few minutes, or go away and come back. While this is the most common heart attack symptom for people of all genders, women are less likely to experience this symptom than men are, and women can have a heart attack without chest pain or discomfort.

2. Pain in Arms, Neck, Back, or Jaw

Pain or discomfort could occur in either or both arms, and also may appear in other parts of the body. One classic sign of a heart attack is numbness or tingling in the left arm, and pain and weakness may radiate to the left shoulder or jaw.

3. Shortness of Breath

Because the heart can’t pump blood efficiently during a heart attack, it can also cause shortness of breath. Shortness of breath may be accompanied by unusual exhaustion, both of which seem inexplicable and not caused by intense physical exertion. Women are more likely to feel this symptom and the following symptoms in this list.

4. Cold Sweat

People who experience more symptoms, including sweating, may seek emergency care faster. Whether you have sweating or not, it is important to get medical help as soon as possible.

5. Nausea or Vomiting

Some people experience indigestion, nausea, or vomiting when having a heart attack. Pay attention if this symptom occurs at the same time as other symptoms on this list, as many people mistake their heart attack symptom for acid reflux or another minor digestive complaint.

6. Lightheadedness

Lightheadedness and dizziness are other possible symptoms. One might feel like they are going to pass out when they stand.

7. Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations can feel like one’s heart is skipping beats or throbbing. The palpitations may cause a sense of anxiety, and might even pound in one’s neck, not just the chest.

What to do if you are having a heart attack?

Act fast. Call 911 as soon as possible, as the amount of time you wait will make a difference in outcome. Symptoms vary between different people, so don’t hesitate if you don’t have chest pain. If you have one or more of these symptoms and suspect it’s a heart attack, call emergency medical services.