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The Best Workout Routines To Lose Belly Fat Fast And Keep It Off For Good

8 min read

Are you tired of struggling to lose weight? Do you hate going to the gym because you don’t see any results? Or maybe you just feel lazy and unmotivated when it comes to working out.

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you need to read this article. We’ll show you some simple workout routines that will help you burn fat fast and keep it off for good.

With losing belly fat, there are two things you must focus on. First, you must understand what causes belly fat to form in the first place. Second, you must find a way to eliminate it once it has formed.

Best Workouts To Lose Belly Fat And Gain Muscle
Best Workouts To Lose Belly Fat And Gain Muscle

Why Working Out Is Important

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget about taking time out to exercise. But working out can help us feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. It helps us sleep better at night and boosts our self-esteem. Exercise also has many other benefits including boosting immunity, improving cardiovascular health, reducing stress levels and helping with weight loss.

Abdominal exercises are very important if you’re trying to achieve a leaner stomach. Abdominals are made up of six different muscle groups: rectus abdominis (six pack), internal obliques, external obliques, transverse abdominis, diaphragm, and pelvic floor. These muscles work together to support your spine and allow you to breathe properly. You should perform abdominal exercises every day to strengthen these muscles and give yourself a flat tummy.

Aerobic exercises are great for burning fat. They include things like running, jogging and swimming. These types of activities require you to use large amounts of oxygen. The more oxygen you consume during aerobic activity, the faster you’ll be able to burn fat.

Cardiovascular exercises are designed to build endurance. They include things like walking, cycling, running and rowing. These activities increase heart rate and cause your body to become stronger. As a result, you’ll have increased energy and stamina throughout the day. Cardiovascular exercises are great for people who are looking to lose weight or maintain their current weight.

Strength training is another great option. When you strength train, you work certain parts of your body harder than others. Your core is one area where you should always work hard. Strengthening your core improves posture and gives you greater stability. A strong core helps prevent injury and makes it easier to lift heavy objects.

Best Stomach Exercise For Over 60
Best Stomach Exercise For Over 60

What Kind Of Exercise Is Right For Me?

You may think that you know everything there is to know about fitness. However, if you really want to get fit, you need to try new workouts. That’s why we put together this list of the top 10 workout routines to lose belly fat fast and keep it off forever!

1. HIIT Training

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This type of high-intensity exercise involves alternating between periods of high intensity and low intensity. During your high-intensity interval, you’ll push yourself as far as possible. In contrast, when you’re doing your low intensity intervals, you’ll go as slow as possible so you don’t overwork yourself.

2. Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are perfect for beginners because they often involve no equipment. Some examples include push-ups, pull-ups, burpees, squats, planks and lunges. By performing bodyweight exercises regularly, you’ll start seeing results much sooner.

3. Weightlifting

Weightlifting involves using weights to perform various movements. While some people will tell you that lifting weights isn’t safe, this isn’t true. Lifting weights requires proper form and technique. Since you’re only using your bodyweight, you won’t risk any injuries.

4. Yoga

People around the world have used Yoga for thousands of years. There are many health benefits associated with yoga including stress relief, improved flexibility, and stronger muscles. Many people find that practicing yoga reduces back pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue.

5. Running

Running is considered an excellent cardiovascular exercise. It burns lots of calories and keeps you in good physical condition. It also strengthens your lungs, legs and feet. Cardio fitness is important for everyone, but especially for those who want to lose weight.

Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat For Seniors
Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat For Seniors

6. Swimming

Swimming not only burns calories but it’s also a fantastic full-body workout. You’ll strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest, abs, thighs and lower back. If you swim regularly, you’ll see improvements in these areas.

Your entire body will benefit from swimming. The water provides resistance, making it a more intense workout. It’s also relaxing.

7. Walking

Walking is probably the easiest way to get started working out. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes and you’re ready to go. Over time, you can add resistance bands to your routine to make it more challenging.

8. Rowing Machines

Rowing machines are great for burning calories and building muscle. They also provide a full-body workout. The rowing machine works out all major muscle groups, such as the arms, legs, back, abdomen and even the core. Because this is a whole-body workout, you’ll be able to enjoy other forms of exercise after rowing.

Difficulty levels vary greatly with rowing machines. Some have high resistance settings that will challenge even the most experienced rower. Others have low or no resistance at all. You may not find a rowing machine in your local fitness center. However, there are many online retailers who sell these types of equipment.

Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat Female Over 50
Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat Female Over 50

9. Elliptical Trainers

Elliptical trainers are a popular choice among gym-goers. These cross trainers combine the benefits of running and cycling into one piece of equipment. Ellipticals offer a total body workout while still being easy on your joints.

A bicycle exercise bike is another great way to get in some cardiovascular activity without having to worry about hills or stairs. The upright position allows for a full range of motion and makes it easier to maintain good posture throughout the entire session.

10. Stair Stepper

A stair stepper allows you to work out from the comfort of your own home. A simple device like a step stool or bench can turn your stairs into effective weight training equipment. Just place a few books beneath the platform to elevate your stepstool or bench.

BONUS Exercise to Add to Your Daily Routine!

11. Tennis

Tennis is a fun game that anyone who enjoys exercising can play. Not only does tennis require quick reflexes and agility, but it also builds strength and endurance in the upper body. Cardiovascular fitness improves when playing tennis because you must move quickly from point to point.

These effective exercises take advantage of gravity to allow you to build muscle quickly. By performing each movement slowly at first, then increasing speed over time, you’ll notice your results faster than if you were to perform each move at maximum speed right away.

What Workout Burns Belly Fat
What Workout Burns Belly Fat

How Long Should My Workouts Last?

The length of your workouts depends on how much weight you lift, and how fast you lift it. If you’re lifting heavy weights, then you should do sets of 8-12 repetitions. If you’re lifting light weights, then you should do sets of 4-8 repetitions. Your workout should last about 30 minutes.

If you want to get a better idea of the right amount of time for your workout, try this:

You can start with 20 seconds in each direction (left/right) for 10 reps. Then move up to 40 seconds in each direction (10 reps). Then move up again to 60 seconds in each direction (20 reps). And so on. You’ll find that after 3 or 4 rounds of this exercise, you’ll have built enough stamina to complete 5 minutes of continuous running.

So what’s the point?

This workout routine is designed to give you a solid base of strength training exercises. When you follow the program, you’ll see improvements in your flexibility, balance, coordination, and overall health.

You can use this workout routine as a guide for your own personal fitness goals, or you can change it to fit your needs.

Good Workout Routine To Lose Belly Fat
Good Workout Routine To Lose Belly Fat

What Type Of Nutrition Plan Should I Follow?

The best nutrition plan for you depends on your personal goals, lifestyle, health conditions, and current eating habits. If you want to lose weight, then you should focus on healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, fish, and meat. On the other hand, if you want to gain muscle mass, then you should eat plenty of protein, vegetables, fruits, eggs, and dairy products.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult to control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fat rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates in food are converted into glucose, which is then processed and distributed to cells to be used as energy.

But in the ketogenic diet, instead of processing the ingested carbohydrates into glucose, the body uses fatty acids from adipose tissue (body fat) to produce ketone bodies. Ketones are an alternative source of fuel for the brain. A variation of the diet known as the MCT (medium chain triglyceride) ketogenic diet uses coconut oil MCTs are more efficiently transported to the brain compared to long-chain triglycerides.

Good Workout Routines To Lose Belly Fat
Good Workout Routines To Lose Belly Fat

What Are Some Great Ways To Stay Motivated?

There are several ways to stay motivated, such as reading inspirational quotes, listening to music, watching motivational movies, taking a walk outside, going for a run, doing yoga, meditating, etc. Another way to stay motivated is to surround yourself with positive people who inspire you every day.

Sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to do something that you want or need to do. The problem is that sometimes we don’t know what our goals should be until after we have already started working on them.

Full-body movement is one of the most effective ways to build strength and endurance. Exercise improves circulation and increases oxygen delivery throughout the body.

Adequate rest time between workouts is important. Rest allows the body to recover and prepare itself for another round of physical activity.

Good Ab Workouts To Lose Belly Fat
Good Ab Workouts To Lose Belly Fat

How Do I Know If My Diet Is Healthy?

A good diet includes lots of whole foods, not too much added sugar, and limited amounts of alcohol. Eating well will prevent many diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, dementia, depression, and anxiety.

Stomach fat and your abdominal muscles are two different things. Stomach fat is just that — fat stored in your stomach area. It’s a bit like having a spare tire around your waistline. Your abs, however, are actually muscle, so they require exercise to build up.

You can work on building your core muscles by performing crunches or other variety of exercises designed specifically for this goal. You may also want to consider using an ab machine at the gym.

The best way to get rid of excess belly fat is through diet and exercise. If you have tried everything else but still see no results, then it might be time to try one method listed above instead.

Best Workouts To Lose Belly Fat And Love Handles
Best Workouts To Lose Belly Fat And Love Handles

Best Workout Routines To Lose Belly Fat:  Final Thoughts

The best workout routines to lose belly fat is to include both aerobic and resistance training. Aerobic training has been shown to reduce visceral fat while resistance training builds lean muscle mass. Both types of exercise complement each other very well.

An easy way to incorporate these types of activities into your daily routine. These activities will provide great cardiovascular benefits, and will also help you achieve your fitness goals.

Schedule a free fifteen-minute consultation with Nutritionist Cosmic Mike and learn how he can help you reach your weight loss goals.