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Benefits of Borage

4 min read

Borage Oil is a miracle supplement for women, starting from age 14 all the way to post-menopause.  Literally from the inside out, bones to skin, borage oil has great things to offer every woman’s body.  Here are just a few of the benefits of borage oil:

  • Bone health
  • Skin health
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-oxidant
  • PMS symptom relief
  • Hormonal balance
  • Respiratory support
  • Weight loss aid




Borage oil is extracted from the seeds of Borage[1] (Borago officinalis), also known as starflower, for its star-shaped brilliant blue blooms.  Borage is an annual wildflower in the flowering plant family of Boraginaceae.  Borage is an ancient herb, with use of it dating back to over 1500 years ago.  Historically, borage plant was harvested for its leaves and stems.  The leaves of the borage plant are edible and the plant is grown in gardens specifically for that purpose in some parts of Europe.  Today the plant is popular for the borage oil found in its seeds.

Your body can synthesize most of the fats it needs from your diet.  However, two essential fatty acids – linoleic and alpha-linolenic, cannot be synthesized by your body and must be obtained from food.  These basic fats, found in plant foods, are used to build specialized fats called omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.  The primary omega-3 is ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), found in fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybeans.  The most essential form of omega-6 is GLA (gamma linolenic acid), found in evening primrose (EPO), black currant, and borage oils.  Of the three, borage has the highest concentration of GLA, making it the wealthiest known source (24%).

GLA is good for both men and women.  The body converts GLA into an anti-inflammatory compound called prostaglandin1, or PGE1.  PGE1 has anti-inflammatory properties and may also act as a blood vessel dilator.  Linolenic acid, a common fatty acid found in nuts, seeds and most vegetable oils  (including EPO) should convert to PGE1.  Progestaglandin1 (PG1) is a key molecule for maintaining healthy skin.  It exhibits a potent anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and is also very effective in regulating water loss and protecting skin from injury and damage.  However, the conversion can be hindered by several factors, including aging, disease, inadequate Vitamin C, B and Zinc, poor diet (full of sugars and carbohydrates), or a compromised immune system.  The GLA in borage oil prevents these conversion problems, and as a result, the body can more easily synthesize PGE1.



Women with premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, and eczema can have a metabolic block that interferes with the body’s ability to synthesize GLA.  It is especially these individuals who can benefit from supplemental GLA intake from borage oil.  GLA is good for both men and women.


Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
RA is a chronic, painful inflammation of the joints.  There is some evidence that taking borage seed oil in combination with conventional painkilling or anti-inflammatory medications may help decrease symptoms of RA after six weeks of treatment.  The improvement appears to last for up to 24 weeks.  Improvement is measured as a decrease in the number and severity of tender and swollen joints.  Of all the autoimmune disorders that borage oil is reputed to help, studies related to RA show the most promise so far.  RA patients often require the us of non-steroidal, anti-inglammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDS, that could have side effects.  The authors of a study published in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” analyzed the data from many trials, including their own, and concluded that GLA, like that found in borage oil, could provide symptom relief and possibly reduce the need for painkillers.

Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, and Other Skin Conditions
Recent studies show that borage oil taken as a supplement, heightens PG1 levels in your skin to supress chronic inflammation. Evidence from animal studies show that skin disorders associated with oil imbalances can be corrected by adding borage oil to the diet.  Similar research with humans have confirmed these findings.  The studies have shown that supplementation with borage oil for patients with skin problems can lead to direct improvement in the condition of their skin.  Not only does borage produce excellent results for the skin when taken internally, but there is also evidence that borage oil has the same positive results when applied topically to the skin.  One interesting experiment measured the effects of creams containing borage oil on dry or damaged skin.  Twenty healthy subjects who experienced either dry but otherwise normal skin were tested over two weeks.  Results showed that the cream containing borage oil was superior in restoring moisture and smoothness to the skin.  This was interpreted as strong evidence of the role that borage oil plays in rebuilding the intracellular moisture content barrier of adult skin.

Weight Gain
In one study, supplementing with borage oil helped reduce the amount of weight regained by obese people who had previously shed pounds.  In a double-blind study of obese people who had previously lost an average of about 66 pounds, supplementation with 5 grams of borage oil per day (which provided 890 mg per day of GLA) significantly reduced the average amount of weight regained over the next 12 months (4.8 pounds vs. 19.3 pounds in the placebo group).  It is believed that borage oil worked by correcting certain abnormalities of essential fatty acid deficiencies .

Cervical ripening is a process that occurs naturally as the uterus readies for labor and delivery.  During cervical ripening, the cervix becomes shorter and softer.  Without cervical ripening, labor and delivery can be quite difficult.  High concentrations of GLA and prostaglandins in Borage oil can be used in either oral preparations or using perineal massage to ripen the cervix pre-childbirth.  In cases where labor needs to be induced after the due date, borage oil may be administered intravaginally, by inserting one 500 mg capsule of borage oil in the vagina twice daily.

Premature Infants
Infant formula supplemented with fatty acids from borage oil and fish oil seems to improve growth and development of the nervous system in infants born early, especially boys.