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Ayurvedic Medicine for Ear Ringing –  Ayurvedic Treatment at Home

8 min read

Ear ringing or tinnitus is a condition where a person hears a constant ringing sound in their ears. This problem occurs due to various reasons such as stress, anxiety, overuse of mobile phones and other electronic devices. The symptoms of ear ringing include hearing loss, dizziness, headache, fatigue, depression, insomnia, etc.

Tinnitus is a common disorder affecting around 15% of the population. There are many treatments available for tinnitus, however, none has proven effective. Therefore, Ayurveda offers a natural treatment for tinnitus.

Ayurveda is a system of medicine that originated in India. It is based on the principles of nature and involves holistic healing. Besides treating diseases, Ayurveda also focuses on maintaining health and preventing disease.

Is There Medicine For Ringing Ears
Is There Medicine For Ringing Ears

How Does Ayurveda Treat Ear Ringing?

Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine known to man. It was developed thousands of years ago and still practiced today. The main goal of this treatment is to cure ear ringing without surgery or medication.

Inflammation inside the eardrum causes ear ringing. This condition usually occurs when there is an infection or trauma to the outer part of the ear. Sometimes, ear ringing can occur even if there is no external cause.

The most common symptoms of ear ringing are pain, hearing loss, and tinnitus (ringing). Tinnitus is described as a noise in the ears that you cannot turn off. You may hear it only at night, or it could be constant. If you have tinnitus, you may notice that your hearing becomes worse during the day.

There are several treatments available for ear ringing. Your doctor can prescribe antibiotics to treat any infections. He/she may also recommend using an ice pack to reduce swelling. For severe cases, he/she may refer you to an otolaryngologist (ENT) who specializes in treating ear problems.

Indian Ayurvedic Medicine For Tinnitus
Indian Ayurvedic Medicine For Tinnitus

Ayurvedic Treatment for Ear Ringing

In Ayurveda, ear ringing is treated by applying herbal oils to the affected area. Herbal oils are made from herbs that are well known to help heal the body. They are safe and effective for treating many conditions, including ear ringing.

Herbs used in Ayurvedic treatment for ear ringing include:

Shatavari – This herb is commonly found growing wild. It’s used for treating infertility, menopause, osteoporosis, and more.

• Triphala – This herb is used in Ayurveda to treat diabetes, heartburn, high cholesterol, constipation, and arthritis. It may also lower levels of glucose in the blood.

• Ashwagandha – This herb is used to treat anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It may also increase energy levels and boost immunity.

Tinnitus is very common, affecting an estimated 50 million adults in the U.S.

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Ear Tinnitus Treatment In Ayurveda
Ear Tinnitus Treatment In Ayurveda

Risk Factors and Complications in Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition where ringing in the ears occurs. The most common cause is exposure to loud noise over a long period. Other causes include ear infections, head trauma, medications, and aging.

Complications arise when tinnitus becomes chronic. This means that it lasts longer than six months and interferes with daily activities.

Chronic tinnitus may be associated with hearing loss, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress. These complications require medical treatment.

If you’re suffering from tinnitus, there are several things you can do to help yourself. First, avoid loud noises. Second, use relaxation techniques to reduce stress. Third, distract yourself during times of stress. And finally, talk to your doctor about medication options.

Ear Tinnitus Ayurvedic Treatment
Ear Tinnitus Ayurvedic Treatment

What Foods Can Be Used to Treat Ear Ringing?

When we eat foods rich in minerals, vitamins, and enzymes, our bodies receive the energy needed to heal themselves. However, when we consume foods lacking in these nutrients, our bodies lack the energy required to heal themselves.

This imbalance between the body’s need for energy and its ability to supply it leads to illness.

To treat ear ringing, Ayurvedic doctors recommend eating certain foods that contain minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Some of these foods include:

• Almonds – Almonds are high in vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, copper, and selenium. These elements play important roles in the human body. Vitamin E is essential for cell function and immune response. Magnesium promotes bone growth and protects against nerve damage. Zinc is necessary for normal brain development. Copper improves memory and aids digestion. Selenium supports thyroid function.

• Apples – Apples are high in fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and beta carotene. Fiber promotes healthy digestive tract functioning. Potassium is vital for heart health. Vitamin C strengthens bones and teeth. Beta carotene prevents cancer and boosts immunity.

• Beans – Beans are high in protein and iron. Iron plays a role in oxygen transport in the body. Protein aids in muscle repair and provides energy.

• Carrots – Carrots are high in vitamin A, B6, and folic acid. Folic acid helps prevent birth defects. Vitamin A is needed for vision and reproduction. Vitamin B6 aids in metabolism and carbohydrate utilization.

• Celery – Celery is high in calcium and phosphorus. Calcium builds strong bones. Phosphorus is essential for building muscles.

• Collards – Collards are high in vitamin K, folate, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin B12. Vitamin K increases the absorption of calcium and inhibits calcification. Folate is essential for proper fetal development. Thiamine promotes good health of the nervous system. Niacin aids in the production of red blood cells. Pantothenic acid helps with tissue formation and energy metabolism. Riboflavin is essential for healthy skin and hair. Vitamin B12 is necessary for maintaining healthy nerves, red blood cells, and the intestinal lining.

• Fish – Fish is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3s support cardiovascular health and strengthen the immune system.

• Flax Seeds – Flax seeds are high in lignans and phytoestrogens. Lignans increase estrogen levels in women and lower testosterone levels in men. Phytoestrogens have hormone-like effects on women.

• Grapes – Grapes are rich in vitamin C, manganese, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber. Vitamin C enhances collagen synthesis. Manganese is needed for healthy connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone. Potassium regulates fluid balance in the body. Iron is needed for red blood cell formation. Dietary fiber lowers cholesterol and reduces risk of colon cancer.

• Green Tea – Green tea is high in polyphenols, catechins, caffeine, theobromine, and tannins. Polyphenols protect against DNA damage from free radicals. Catechins inhibit fat accumulation in the liver. Theobromine stimulates the central nervous system. Tannins bind toxins and heavy metals.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Ear Ringing
Ayurvedic Medicine For Ear Ringing

Treatment of Tinnitus- Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the principle that a substance that causes symptoms when given in small doses may cure those same symptoms when administered in large doses.

They make homeopathic medicines from natural substances that cause similar symptoms in healthy people. They’re not harmful and usually won’t cause side effects.

There are many homeopathic remedies available for tinnitus. Some work better than others, depending on the person’s unique situation.

Some common homeopathic treatments include:

Arnica montana (Arnica) – This remedy helps reduce pain and inflammation.

• Calendula officinalis (Calendula) – This remedy relieves stress and anxiety.

• Chamomilla recutita (Chamomile) – This remedy reduces stress and promotes relaxation.

• Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort) – This remedy relievers stress and promotes sleep.

• Ignatia amara (Ignatia) – This remedy relieving stress and promoting calmness.

• Ledum palustre (Ledum) – This remedy relieves stress and promotes healing.

• Nux vomica – This remedy relieves stress and promotes digestion.

In about 10% of cases, the condition interferes with everyday life so much that professional help is needed.

Source: (

Ayurvedic Ear Drops For Tinnitus
Ayurvedic Ear Drops For Tinnitus

Ear Ringing Can Be Prevented With Some Common Sense

If left untreated, ear ringing can cause permanent damage to the inner ear. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent this condition.

First, clean out your ears regularly. Use warm water and a cotton swab to remove any excess wax buildup. Then use a Q-tip to gently wipe away any remaining wax.

Next, try using a humidifier or vaporizer to reduce dryness in your environment. This may help keep your ears moist and free of blockages.

Finally, avoid wearing headphones or ear buds at night. These devices create pressure inside the ear, which can lead to ear infections.

If these tips don’t work, talk to your doctor about getting an ear cleaning performed. He or she can perform a procedure called an Otoscopy, which involves looking inside your ear canal with a lighted instrument. Your doctor can also prescribe medications to treat ear infections.

Behavioral Therapies for Tinnitus

There are many treatments available for tinnitus, including behavioral therapies, medications, and surgery. However, there is no cure for tinnitus.

Behavioral therapy is a noninvasive treatment option that focuses on changing the way patients respond to stressors. This type of therapy includes relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, and mindfulness training.

Cognitive restructuring involves identifying negative thoughts that contribute to tinnitus symptoms and replacing them with positive thoughts. Mindfulness training helps patients notice their internal experiences, including their thoughts, feelings, sensations, and memories.

Patanjali Medicine For Tinnitus
Patanjali Medicine For Tinnitus

Sound Masking Devices

Sound masking devices are used to reduce the volume of loud sounds, such as music, alarms, or voices, that bother people who live near busy roads or airports. They’re often placed inside walls or above ceilings.

Sound masking devices work by absorbing sound waves and reducing the volume of those waves. This reduces the noise level below the threshold at which people become annoyed.

Sound masking is effective because it works by changing the physical properties of the air. Sound travels through the air, and when it hits an object, it bounces off that object. The speed at which sound travels depends on the density of the medium (air) through which it travels. So, if you change the density of the air, you can slow down the speed at which sound travels.

This means that sound masking devices can absorb sound waves, making them quieter than normal.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

We often associate ear ringing with stress, anxiety, and depression. But there are many ways to reduce ear ringing, including diet and lifestyle changes.

When you’re stressed out, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that causes inflammation and swelling. This leads to excess fluid buildup in the inner ear, causing ear ringing.

To reduce ear ringing, try these tips:

• Eat foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, dark leafy greens, and citrus fruits. Antioxidants help protect cells against free radicals, which cause cell damage and contribute to inflammation.

• Drink plenty of water. Water helps flush toxins from your system.

• Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep increases cortisol production, which contributes to ear ringing.

• Reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands, which produce cortisol.

• Avoid alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the body, which makes it harder to eliminate fluids.

• Exercise regularly. Regular exercise reduces stress hormones, which decreases inflammation and improves circulation.

• Meditate. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, which reduces cortisol levels.

• Use essential oils. Essential oils contain anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve ear ringing.

• Try Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient healing tradition based on the belief that everything in nature has a purpose. According to Ayurveda, ear ringing is caused by imbalances in the three doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha).

Final Thoughts

Ayurvedic medicine for ear ringing is quite beneficial. It’s important to note that not all ear infections require medical attention. If the infection resolves itself naturally after several days, then no treatment is needed. However, if your doctor recommends antibiotics, it’s best to follow his or her advice.

Schedule a complementary session with Ayurvedic practitioner Cosmic Mike. During your session, he will assess your condition using Ayurvedic tools. He will also provide personalized recommendations for a course of action.